(Above) South Side of Church Orchard
(Below) Kindergarten and Modular Building
Church pool was used 30 years for Baptisms--Now it is dedicated to Preschool swimming lessons and Youth outreach.
(Right) North
Side of Church
(Left) Inner play yard-
further back is the sand and swings.
(Left) Tricycles and walkway leading to the Persimmon orchard. 
Preschool Discovery Building and play area.
"You are a valuable person through the gift of Christ"
(below) Cordova Baptist Church Preschool and Kindergarten
          10527 Coloma Road  Rancho Cordova, CA 95679
           (916) 6385505 (Church) (916) 6385506 (School)
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Cordova Baptist Church
Sunday Worship 10 AM
10527 Coloma Road
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(map link above)